Machine Auctions

Since 1987, we've been leaders in industrial machinery auctions, catering to discerning manufacturers worldwide. With options for both online and onsite bidding, we offer more than just used machinery auctions. Our services span machinery appraisals, surplus asset evaluations, investment recovery, and financial solutions. 

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Las Vegas, Nevada

Medicinal Oil Extraction and Process Equipment

Timed OnlineStarts in 7 days
Date: - 
Inspection: - 

Complete Closed Loop Ethanol Extraction Line

City Of Industry, California

By Order of Trustee Entire Delivery and Executive Fleet from High-End Home Appliance Distributor

Ongoing Liquidation

Private Sale

Showing 2 records

As proud members of both the National Auctioneers Association (NAA) and the Association of Machinery and Equipment Appraisers (AMEA), we ensure the highest standards in our offerings. We seamlessly translate our decades of industry knowledge into the ever-changing landscape of used machinery.

What Are Machine Auctions?

Machine auctions are events or platforms where used machines and equipment, such as CNC machines, fabrication equipment, and plastics machinery are bought and sold through a bidding process.

During the auction, interested buyers place bids on the machines they wish to acquire. Bids are usually made in incremental amounts, with each new bid surpassing the previous one. The highest bidder at the end of the auction is declared the winner and is expected to complete the purchase by paying the agreed-upon price.

What Machines Can You Bid On?

Our machinery auctions host a wide range of machines and equipment you can bid on. Some of these items are:

What Is The Registration Process?

Registration is free but required before you can bid in one of our listed used machine auctions. Machinery Network might request a financial reference or deposit before bidding. You can also register for sales in advance under the details section of one of our listings.

Are you looking to sell or liquidate assets?

Free auction proposals & valuations. Talk to us in confidence.

Please see our Auction Proposal page and fill out a short form and one of our experts will contact you ASAP or feel free to call Gary Treisman at 818.788.2260